The True Cost of Shipping
The True Cost of Shipping (and why we don’t offer it for free)
Shipping is expensive. And this past year the cost of shipping around the world has skyrocketed for LOTS of reasons; including a global pandemic. “Free” shipping isn’t really FREE - it is actually really expensive for a small company to get goods to you. We offer flat-rate shipping on our U.S. orders, which we think is one heck of a deal. So we’re breaking it down for you.
Our shipping costs
- $1.50 for the mailer your order comes in. 100% compostable, recyclable + plastic-free
- $0.10 for each shipping label
- $0.10 for each compostable bag
- $8-12 for the postage
- Roughly $3/order for actually people to pack it up
We’re already at about $15 (we charge you either $5 of $9, depending on your items) and we’re not done yet!
- An actual living wage for the people behind the computer/DM/live chat helping with customer service to make sure you have the right stuff going to the right place
- Storage fees to keep all our products at the shipping warehouse
- Thousands for the technology, monthly fees and equipment that make all this possible
- TIME! It takes time to do all of this!
We pay thousands and thousands of $$ a month in shipping.
If we offered ‘Free Shipping’, We would absorb all those costs to deliver a “free” experience to you. OR we could raise our prices and hide our costs within those prices. But that’s not very transparent (ahem, Prime Shipping). This company can have a much bigger impact if we’re being transparent and not giving money away.
So this is why we have flat rate shipping. It saves both you and us a little money, and we’re happy to eat a few extra bucks to get you a great product. We appreciate your understanding and ask that you think about this next time you email us looking for free shipping on your order or your return (we’ll cover those costs next week). And please, be kind to all the delivery drivers and staff shipping items for you, they’re making our entire world go ‘round!